Cheers to New Product Launches! G-Series VoIP Gateways

Zycoo, a trusted leader in delivering unified Communication solutions for SMEs, is pleased to announce the launch and availability of the G-Series VoIP Gateways, which include 5 products - G108/G116 FXO gateways,G216/G232 FXS gateways, and G401 PRI gateway. The G-series Gateways are designed to deliver high-quality, stable, and reliable voice solutions.


G108 and G116 are high-performance FXO analog gateways designed for SMEs, aiming to deliver stable and reliable voice solutions. The G-Series FXO VoIP Gateways support standard SIP protocol and come equipped with 8/16 FXO ports, enabling seamless integration of telephone lines with VoIP networks. In terms of security, both of them utilize TLS protocol encryption technology to ensure safety.

Click to download: G108/G116 datasheet


G216 and G232 are feature-rich FXS analog gateways. The G-Series FXS VoIP Gateways utilize the standard SIP protocol and come equipped with 16/32 FXS ports, allowing to seamlessly connect analog phones to VoIP networks. Furthermore, the FXS gateways support advanced features such as remote configuration, enhancing system setup, and troubleshooting efficiency.

Click to download: G216/G232 datasheet


G401 is a powerful enterprise-grade PRI Gateway designed to ensure reliable and high-quality voice and data transmission through E1/T1 port. G401 gateway utilizes the standard SIP protocol and is equipped with 1 E1/T1 port. It complies with the Primary Rate Interface (PRI) standard, supporting 30 B channels for voice and data and 2 D channels for signaling and control.

Click to download: G 401 datasheet

The G-series VoIP gateways are designed to enable businesses to create seamless office environments, integrate legacy phone systems into a VoIP network and manage communication costs efficiently.